The 44 – Practice 3: Curiosity & Welcoming

The 44 – Practice 3: Curiosity & Welcoming

By Leo Babauta

In this next practice, we continue our work with awareness of body sensations … except instead of scanning the entire body, we try to just see what we notice. And then:

  1. We try to develop curiosity around it; and
  2. We try to welcome it.

This is an incredible practice that will help us be more open to whatever we’re experiencing, and will help set us up for all future practices. Another fundamental practice, so don’t skip it!

The Practice – Curiosity & Welcoming

In this video, I guide you through the practice of being curious and welcoming what you notice.

[Download video or download audio]

Practice this every day for four days. Feel free to also spend a minute noticing your breath after you’re done with the practice.
