On the Future of Books: A Discussion with Seth Godin

Post written by Leo Babauta.

The industry of publishing ideas has been undergoing a revolution for more than a decade, and where it’s headed is still an open question.

As a writer, I’m excited by the possibilities. But lots of writers (and publishers) find it all a bit scary.

Today I share a conversation I had with best-selling author, blogger and publisher Seth Godin on the future of books, publishing and blogging. It was fascinating.

First, consider some of the major changes in publishing:

And that’s just the start.

Where is it all going? I talked to one of the sharpest minds in the industry to find out.

It was an amazing interview! Listen to me and Seth Godin here (about 26 mins long).


Download the interview (24.9 MB mp3 file).

Some of the topics discussed: