Discover the Awesomeness of the World As It Is

Discover the Awesomeness of the World As It Is

Post written by Leo Babauta.

This Uncover Your Awesomeness Course is mostly about learning to accept ourselves unconditionally, and to realize that the amazing person we want to become is already here, already in us. We just need to uncover the awesomeness we already contain.

But a related truth is that the world around us, and everyone in it, is just as awesome. We just need to accept the world for what it is, and see the awesomeness it contains.

The effect of this acceptance and new view of the world are incredible:

That’s a huge amount of benefit for such a small change, no?

But it’s real. It’s happened with me, and along with my learning to accept myself unconditionally, this has been one of the most profound shifts in my life. It’s not that I’m never unhappy, but that unhappiness fades away quickly once I realize the source of it, that I’m failing to accept the world (and myself and others in the world) as it is, and love everything in it.

Once I realize that, there is nothing I don’t love, nothing I’m afraid of. Losing something isn’t scary, because what is left is also great. I can lose my home and find another just as awesome. I can lose a friend and find another I love too. I can change jobs, cities, everything around me, and nothing is worse, only different and new.

It’s a profound change, as I said, and I’d like to explore how it’s possible.

How to Accept the World and Everyone In It

There are things we don’t like about our lives — a job that’s dull and dreary, a family member who antagonizes us, a home that’s less than desirable, a car that gives us headaches, people who are rude, annoyances and frustrations.

These are only bad because we judge them to be so. We have expectations that everybody and everything is going to be this ideal that we have in our heads, and of course they don’t meet those expectations much of the time. People have bad moods, aren’t always trying to please us. The things in our lives break down, or work in ways other than what we have in our fantasies.

But what if we let go of these expectations, and just say that whatever happens, whatever we find, is OK? What if we learn to be fine with whatever we see? That doesn’t mean we don’t clean the house when it’s messy — we can be OK with the mess but enjoy the cleaning, enjoy the creating of order. It just means we aren’t antagonized when there’s a mess.

If someone else is acting a certain way, is that good or bad? It’s only bad if we wished they would act differently. So tell yourself, “She’s acting exactly as she should, given who she is and her circumstances. She’s doing the best she can. She’s learning, as we all are.”

Well, all of a sudden, you can smile and have compassion for her. You can help ease her pain, or listen to her, or give her space. You can figure out how to act compassionately, and do what you need to do, without getting worked up because she’s not acting the way you wished she would.

All the world becomes OK once you decide it’s OK. When you start wishing it were different, recognize this, and let that wish go. And then say, “It’s OK as it is.”

How to See the Awesomeness of Everything

So there’s OK, then there’s really great. Accepting everything as OK is the baseline, and it’s really all you need. Everything is OK, and that means that nothing will get you antagonized (not for long, at least).

But let’s move to the next level: there is awesomeness in everything. And everybody. Just as they are.

So there’s a hurricane and it causes destruction — is that awesome? Well, let’s start with the idea that it’s OK. It’s OK that it happened, because it’s useless to wish that it didn’t. It happened, and we have to accept it and move on and figure out how to fix the destruction or live with it.

But beyond OK, there’s also awesomeness:

That’s just a start — you could see the awesomeness in flooding, in the loss of power, in the need to find other ways to make do when we don’t have the unlimited access to everything we could possibly need or want.

Sure, you could see the hurricane as something horrible, but you could also see the awesomeness of it.

And that’s the hurricane … what about everything else? It’s easy once you start looking, and start noticing:

You see what I’m getting at — it’s a different way of looking at things, but once you start, you can see it everywhere. It’s awesomeness, and it’s in everything.