The Ultimate How to Get Lean Guide

Post written by Leo Babauta.

At the moment, I’m in the last phase of my Bellyfat Challenge — I’ve lost a good amount of fat but I have about 10 pounds to go (or so).

I’m enjoying getting lean, but those last few pounds are always the toughest.

And so, I’ve called in some experts.

Last week, I shared my favorite fitness bloggers and, in turn, the fitness blogs they read. This week I’ve called on them for tips on getting lean.

Now, let’s look at the question I’ve posed to them:

So, if you have a lot of fat to lose, this guide won’t be for you. I’d suggest some other posts:

If you’re looking to get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat, here are some great tips.

Mark Sisson
1. Mark’s Daily Apple. Mark Sisson is one of the leading advocates of a return to the diet and activity style of our primal ancestors, and the author of The Primal Blueprint. Here are his tips:


Rusty Moore
2. Fitness Black Book. Rusty Moore is an authority on creating a lean, slim, athletic look. Rusty, btw, has a new ebook out that I’m reading now called Visual Impact: Mastering the Skill of Gaining Muscle Without Bodyfat. Here are Rusty’s tips for getting lean:

Zen to Fitness
3. Zen to Fitness. Chris shares all around good advice for getting fit and finding balance in life. Here are his tips:

Chris Lopez
4. Fit and Busy Dad. Chris Lopez lives in Toronto and shares some great tips, workouts, and strategies for dads (actually all parents and anyone who is busy) who want to get and stay in shape. Here are Chris’ top tips:

Fitness Spotlight
5. Fitness Spotlight. Excellent fitness and health articles throughout the week, jointly written by two bloggers — Mike O’Donnell and Scott Kustes. Since I like both bloggers, I’m featuring both of their tips here.

Scott Kustes:

Mike O’Donnell: