Mindful Diet: Plans for May

Mindful Diet: Plans for May

Post written by Leo Babauta.

So April is now gone, and if all is well, many of you have now formed at least the start of a mindful eating habit. If not, don’t worry — you’ll get a second chance in May!

The Mindful Diet will be a two-month course, and in May we’ll be focusing on two things:

  1. Either creating a new healthy eating habit (more below), or renewing focus on creating a mindful eating habit if you think you need it.
  2. Learning about healthy eating (as opposed to mindful eating) — incorporating veggies, learning about various healthy foods, losing weight, diet & exercise, and so on.

Some things to expect in this 2nd month of the Mindful Diet:

  1. Webinars – I will hold healthy eating live webinars on two Mondays (5/7 and 5/21).
  2. Videos – I’ll attempt one or two videos on cooking healthy food in my kitchen.
  3. Success stories – I have a couple good success stories that I’ll share.
  4. Losing weight, gaining muscle, and getting healthy
  5. Simple & frugal – how to keep things simple, fast & cheap but still healthy
  6. How to beat food addictions
  7. Junk food, fast food, convenience food
  8. Exercise vs. diet

Habits to Choose From

In this second month, I recommend you choose one of the following habits to form each day:

These are just ideas — you could find another healthy eating habit to form. Be sure to log it in the Mindful Eating Habit Tracker and discuss your new habit in the forum.

I look forward to talking and working with you more on healthy eating habits!