Module: A Month of Letting Go

Module Overview: A Month of Letting Go

Post written by Leo Babauta.

This month I’m asking you to let go.

What does that mean, and why should you?

Letting go is about not holding onto things that we think we need. It’s about developing the ability to cope with change, to be flexible, to simplify.

When we learn to let go, we have fewer limitations, fewer distractions, fewer relationship problems, fewer complications. We are freer.

An example: You think you need all the stuff around you, the possessions, because they are necessary, or give you security, or have emotional value. But they also clutter up your life, require maintenance and cleaning and expensive space. Letting go means you can free up space, have a less cluttered life, and are no longer burdened by so many things.

Another example: You think you need to check your email and social media and phone often. But the checking of all these things is really a distraction from the important work that you know you want to do, that will make you happier, improve your career or business, make your life better. Letting go of the distractions would make every day better.

One more example: You think you really want six-pack abs, and so you go on a crazy diet and do high-intensity exercises to get them. But you have a lot of trouble sticking to the diet, and the high-intensity stuff keeps getting you injured, and you’re feeling horrible about yourself. But the truth is, six-pack abs are not important – and you can let go of that fantasy if you want. And then just focus on health – eating healthy food most of the time, getting active to keep your body and mind healthy.

What Letting Go Develops

Letting go isn’t about developing a monk-like lifestyle, or having nothing. It’s about developing flexibility and openness. It’s about recognizing what’s causing us pain and practicing letting go of that.

If you have these skills, you can do anything, and are prepared for anything.

Think about it: if there’s a major disruption in your life, it’s only a bad thing because you’re holding onto the way you wish things could be, what you’re comfortable with. If you let go of that wish, the change isn’t bad. It’s just different, and in fact it could be good if you embrace it and see the opportunity. We cause our own problems by not letting go. We can get out of our own way by letting go.

In the Month of Letting Go module, we’ll learn to be flexible and open to change. We’ll learn to see what we’re holding onto, and practice letting go of that in small steps.

How We’ll Do It

Soon I’ll share the Month of Letting Go plan. It will ask you to explore letting go of something different each week.

We’ll focus on letting go of distractions in the first week. In the second week, we’ll let go of possessions. Then we’ll let go of needs. Then we’ll let go of the way we wish things would be.

It’ll be a great month. You’ll log your habit in the challenge forum daily threads. I’ll hold a webinar and write a couple articles to help you learn these new skills. And don’t forget to sign up for the Sea Change reminders if that’s useful.