recipe: beef & broccoli stir fry

recipe: beef & broccoli stir fry

beef & broccoli recipe

Editor’s note: This recipe is from Jules Clancy of Stone Soup.

beef & broccoli stir fry

serves 2-3

My fiance loves this so much he made it 4 nights in a row when I was away in New York last year.

500g (1lb) ground (minced) beef
2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
2 heads broccoli
4 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 bunch coriander (cilantro), chopped

1. Preheat a large wok or frying pan on a very high heat.

2. Add a few tablespoons peanut or other neutral flavoured oil and sitr fry the beef.

3. While the beef is browning, finely slice the broccoli stems and chop the head into bight sized trees. Add garlic to the beef and continue to cook until well browned.

4. Add broccoli and a few tablespoons water and cover the pan.

5. Continue to cook on a high heat with the lid on, stirring every 2 minutes until the broccoli is bright green and tender but still a tiny bit crunchy. If it starts to burn, add a little more water.

6. Stir in oyster sauce. Taste and season and serve with chopped coriander on top.

prepare ahead?

You could cook in advance and reheat if you like. Just leave the coriander to add at the last minute.

leftover potential

Will keep in the fridge for a week or so. Reheats well and is also delicious at room temperature.

variations for fun

vegetarian / vegan – replace the ground beef with crumbled firm tofu or 2 drained cans of lentils. It won’t brown up as much as the beef but will still be lovely. And make sure you use a ‘vegetarian’ oyster sauce – they are available.

no oyster sauce? – Replace with hoisin sauce or even sweet soy sauce. Although to be honest – oyster sauce has the best flavour here – even the vegetarian oyster sauces taste delicious.

chilli beef – add in some fresh or dried chilli.

ginger – My irishman likes to add a few tablespoons of finely shredded fresh ginger in with the garlic.

coriander-free – Some people aren’t keen on coriander (cilantro). If you’re not sure, serve it on the side so everyone can add their own. Otherwise replace the coriander with fresh mint or parsley leaves.

– a handful of roasted cashews adds a different dimension and some crunch. Especially good in the lentil vegetarian option.

problem solving guide

burning on the bottom – it can be a bit tricky getting the broccoli to cook in such a dry environment. Remember to add a little water and cover the pan tightly as it cooks so the broccoli steams from the top.

too salty – oyster sauces vary in their saltiness levels. I find it rare that I need to add extra salt. For now, a little sugar can help tone down the saltiness but next time try a different brand of oyster sauce.

too bland? add in a little more salt and pepper. A dash of lime juice or lemon juice may also bring the flavours to life.

serving suggestions

Great on its own. With the browned meat and veg it feels like a complete meal in a bowl.

You could serve with steamed rice or cauliflower rice if you prefer.

And it might also me nice to serve it with a curry and another stir fry as part of an Asian-ish banquet.