The Chaos & Abundance of Spring

By Leo Babauta

For many of us in the Northern hemisphere, Spring has fully arrived: gorgeous sunshine, warmer weather, green trees, blossoms. It’s glorious!

With Spring comes life springing into action, full of abundance. This is the chaos of life, full and energetic and exuberant. It’s chaotic but in the most affirming of ways.

This abundance and chaos can fill us up, if we let it. If you’re feeling drained and empty, then you can let yourself feel the nourishing abundance of life all around you. Chaos can be stressful, or restorative — depending on our attitude towards it.

Here’s the practice:

The amazing thing is that this abundant, chaotic life energy is always available to us, no matter the season. It’s the joyful play of little kids, the chaos of our lives, the energy of a crowd in a subway, the emotions of a loved one, the uncertainty in your heart. This is all the abundance and chaos of Spring, come to life, unpredictable, in transition, creative and powerful.

Can you practice being more open to receiving the abundance and chaos of life all around you, and within you?

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