Ritual to Greet the Day

By Leo Babauta

Every new day is a tremendous gift. And yet we often take these days for granted, rushing into everything we need to respond to, distracting ourselves, forgetting to feel wonder.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to create a morning ritual to greet your day?

The purpose of the ritual is to practice full appreciation of the gift we’ve been given, and to set the rest of the day up for wonder.

What would that create for your life, if you had a ritual like that?

My suggestion is to create your own ritual, not copy mine, because ritual is best treated as a creative act. Ask yourself, what would be amazing for your morning?

Some ideas and suggestions:

Another important idea: start out imperfectly, and iterate. That means create new versions as you go through the ritual regularly, adjusting based on what you discover. Don’t try to make it perfect — even if you just pause for a moment in the morning to think of 5 things you’re grateful for, that’s an amazing start.

What would be a lovely way to greet your day?

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