The Zen Productivity Workshop

The Zen Productivity Workshop

with Leo Babauta

From the creator of Zen Habits, an intimate 2-day workshop will help you:

Book Tickets

New York City (Nov. 11 & 12) – done

San Francisco (Nov. 18 & 19) – done

Los Angeles (Dec. 9 & 10)

San Diego (Dec. 16 & 17)

Coming Soon

More workshops coming to a city near you! To be notified of future workshops, sign up here.


Our daily lives are filled with difficult problems:

Does any of that sound familiar? We all deal with most of these problems, on a daily basis.

This workshop will address these problems with a system called Zen Productivity, developed by Leo Babauta.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Align yourself with a meaningful mission
  2. Pursue a meaningful direction each day, and get stuff accomplished
  3. Find clarity on what high-impact tasks to work on each day
  4. Structure your day, with flexibility, to accomplish your mission
  5. Stay on top of your todo list and process your inbox to empty
  6. Strengthen your ability to be focused & mindful, and less distracted
  7. Overcome procrastination by training in discomfort & uncertainty
  8. Simplify to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed
  9. Learn to deal simply with stress & anxiety
  10. Create space for play, stillness, exercise & meditation
  11. Allow for uncertainty in your life, and get good at being in it

These are amazing skills, and we’ll work on them together!

Workshop Format

We’ll keep this fairly intimate, capping the group to 16 participants so we can get to know each other a bit, and we’ll use smaller spaces rather than huge auditoriums.

Leo will combine talks with hands-on activities and group discussion, and will provide downloadable materials to use in daily life (pdfs and videos).

Lunches and other meals will not be provided, but breaks will be available for participants to grab a bite between sessions. Light refreshments will be provided.

1st Session: Focusing on High-Impact Tasks & a Meaningful Mission

In this session, we’ll work on:

2nd Session: Training in Focus & Overcoming Procrastination, with a Flexible Structure

We’ll figure out how to:

3rd Session: The Art of Simplicity & Uncertainty Training

Finally, we’re going to use simplicity and uncertainty training to address:

The Zen Productivity Practices

This might seem like a lot to cover in one workshop, and it is. We’ll cover a lot of ground, and practice as much as we can in a practical way.

But the key to this process will be the practices you’ll take away from the workshop into your day-to-day life. By putting these practices into action, you’ll get good at the skills we’ll discuss.

The practices will include:

  1. A weekly session for simplifying, and connecting your daily tasks to your meaningful mission
  2. Morning rituals to support mindfulness, simplicity, focus and gratitude
  3. Training sessions to help you get better at focusing, overcoming procrastination, pushing into discomfort, and embracing uncertainty
  4. Practice in daily stillness and quiet
  5. A way to flexibly adjust and stay focused as your day shifts

These practices will be the key to everything, and we’ll learn more about them during the workshop!

About Leo Babauta

Leo is the creator of Zen Habits, and he’s on a mission: to help the world transform fear & uncertainty into mindful openness and joy.

These workshops are a part of that mission. How can we stay centered, focused, mindful and joyful in the middle of a work day? In the middle of shifting chaos that is life? Zen Productivity is Leo’s answer.

Leo has held retreats, conducted workshops and given talks at the World Domination Summit, Camp GLP, Tribe Conference, Chataqua Ecuador, Zen Habits Mindfulness Retreat and more. He loves playing with his tribe, and having fun learning together with them.