2007: My Greatest Year Ever

By Leo Babauta

More than a week into 2007, I’m a bit late in posting this, but please forgive me. I actually set my top goals for 2007 in December, and have already gotten off to a good start on working towards them.

I decided to set goals that are challenging but achievable, something that will make me feel good about myself after I complete them. What I have here are some good goals, and I think I can accomplish them.

How I will accomplish them

It’s all good and well to write out your goals, but you have to do something to keep your focus on them, keep you motivated, and ensure that you are on track the whole year long. How will I do that? Weekly goal meetings with my wife.

My wife and I have decided to be “goal buddies” this year, and to that end, we are meeting once a week to set our goals and review what we’ve done. For example, at the beginning of January, we took our goals for the year and decided what we would try to accomplish in January for each goal. We tried to make it something easily accomplishable in one month. Then, each week in January, we set weekly goals that help us toward the monthly goals. Each day, we look at our weekly goals and see what we can do that day.

So all year long, we have a mechanism to track our progress, review our accomplishments and failures, and set mini goals that help us toward the year’s overall goals. It’s working great so far and I hope to report good progress as the year goes on. It keeps us motivated and it’s so much better than just writing down some resolutions and forgetting about them after a few weeks.

So without further ado, here are my goals for the year.

Top Goals for 2007

Addendum from 2014

This is a note from Leo in 2014: I’m looking back on these goals with a smile.

Here’s how I did with these, for anyone curious: