The 44: Using Body Awareness in a Powerful Way
So you might be wondering why I’m having you practice scanning your body – maybe it seems weird? It definitely is. :)
But this body awareness that we’re developing is setting us up for some important practices:
- Noticing how our body is feeling when we’re anxious, frustrated, procrastinating, angry, feeling like quitting, etc.
- Staying with these sensations instead of running from them
- Welcoming and being curious about these sensations
- Dropping from our mind’s stories to the body’s sensations
- Staying with the body sensations when we’re feeling uncertainty, and training in staying longer
- And more (we’ll talk about these other practices later)
As you can see, if you don’t have practice in body awareness, you wont be able to do the other practices. So it’s really important to practice!
Once you do, you’ll be able to use the awareness of body sensations in a very powerful way. We’re training for that, so keep at it.