Announcing Zen Family Habits

Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

I’m happy to share with you the birth of Zen Habits’ sister site: Zen Family Habits.

It’s a joint project with Sherri Kruger of the excellent blog Serene Journey (read: she’s doing most of the work), and it aims to fill a gap that I’ve been neglecting here at Zen Habits (I tend to neglect a lot of gaps you know). At one time I wrote a lot about family and kids and how to find a simple, happy family life, but my focus has shifted. Sherri noticed this and has stepped up.

From the About page: What is Zen Family Habits? In two words: Simple Happiness.

In a few more words: Zen Family Habits is a celebration of all things family. It’s about living simply and with presence of mind. It’s about cultivating healthy, meaningful, relationships with loved ones. It’s about just having fun and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

Zen Family Habits provides practical articles on: home and organizing, education and learning, fitness and nutrition, family, and simplicity.

Right now, there are some excellent posts on there from Sherri, and you should take a look around, but it’s just a start. Tomorrow I will write a post about minimalism with kids, and every week we will have some awesome contributors:

We’ll be writing about these topics and more — and of course we’d love to hear your suggestions for the sites and future posts!

Please take a look around, subscribe to the RSS feed (or via email), and feel free to follow us on our new Twitter account if you like!

While I’m doing announcements, some other things you might be interested in: