Best of Zen Habits in 2007

It’s been an amazing year here at Zen Habits. From starting out with only two readers (my wife and my mom) in January 2007 to today, when Zen Habits has more thank 26K subscribers and is one of the Top 100 blogs

I cannot put in words how overwhelmed I am by all of you, the readers of Zen Habits.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

As it is impossible to avoid reading “Best of” posts this time of year, I figured that there’s no sense in resisting … and so, for my new readers and as a review for older readers, I present the Best of Zen Habits, 2007 edition.

Email Zen: Clear Out Your Inbox

Zen Mind: How to Declutter

Baby Makes Eight: Raising Six Kids – Part 1

3 Steps to a Permanently Clear Desk

Top 20 Motivation Hacks

How NOT to Multi-task: Work Simpler and Saner

Edit Your Life, Part 1: Commitments

How I Ended My Affair with the Credit Card (and Why I Use Cash)

Purpose Your Day: Most Important Task (MIT)

I moved the site from Blogger to WordPress (with a new domain name) in the middle of March.

The Art of Doing Nothing

10 Habits to Develop for Financial Stability and Success

Cheap but great dates

How to NOT do everything on your to-do list

In this month, subscribers more than doubled, from 2,374 to over 5,000.

Zen To Done (ZTD): The Ultimate Simple Productivity System

Big Rocks First: Double Your Productivity This Week

Inbox Master: Get All Your Inboxes to Zero, and Have Fewer Inboxes

Top 15 Diet Hacks

Handbook for Life: 52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity

Beginner’s Guide to Running

How to Be a Great Dad

10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It

50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap

A Guide to Cultivating Compassion in Your Life, With 7 Practices

Eliminate All But the Absolute Essential Tasks

The Getting Things Done (GTD) FAQ

A Guide to Escaping Materialism and Finding Happiness

How to Actually Execute Your To-Do List: or, Why Writing It Down Doesn’t Actually Get It Done

5 Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower

18 Practical Tips for Living the Golden Rule

21 Strategies for Creating an Emergency Fund, and Why It’s Critical

A Guide to Creating a Minimalist Home

How to Become a Vegetarian, the Easy Way

The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living

Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump

Haiku Productivity: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential

Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life

Haiku Productivity: Limit Your Work Week

How to Accept Criticism with Grace and Appreciation

This is the month that Zen Habits made the Technorati Top 100, a big milestone for this blog.

Fiscal Fitness: Eliminate Debt with 10 Successful Diet Principles

15 Great Decluttering Tips

Hassle-free Weight Loss: The Zen Habits Meal Plan

31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

Another milestone month for Zen Habits, as we launched a successful redesign, published the Zen To Done ebook, and climbed to 24,000 subscribers.

Haiku Productivity: Limit Your Projects to Achieve Completion

10 Simple, Sure-fire Ways to Make Today Your Best Day Ever

Unproductivity: 8 Fantabulous Ways to Make the Most of Your Laziest Days

Faith in Humanity: How to Bring People Closer, and Restore Kindness

The 10 Key Actions That Finally Got Me Out of Debt

Wake Up: A Guide to Living Your Life Consciously

25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence

15 Can’t-Miss Ways to Declutter Your Mind

14 Stress-Free Ways to Kick Weight Loss in the Butt

See more best posts from each month: