2021 Discomfort Challenges

This year (2021), I’m doing 40-day discomfort challenges, as a way to continue my training in falling in love with discomfort and uncertainty.

I’ve been deepening into this training even more in the last 5 years. And now I train others in it, in my Fearless Training Program – the uncertainty & discomfort of doing your meaningful work.

This year is going to be a further deepening. I’m going to swim in the deep waters, out of love for life and those who I serve.

My Year of Hard Challenges

The first challenge, which I started January 1, is jumping into a cold pool everyday with two of my sons. We do some Wim Hof-style breathing before we dive in, then count 3-2-1 and jump into the air! It has shown us that we can do hard things every day, and has been a meaningful bonding experience for us.

Here are my discomfort challenges this year:

  1. Cold swimming (Jan 1 – Feb 9)
  2. No Internet + ego eradicator (Feb 10 – Mar 21)
  3. Sew rakusu (Mar 22 – Apr 30)
  4. Learn language (May 2 – June 9)
  5. Write book in 40 days (June 10 – July 19)
  6. Podcast episode a day (July 20 – Aug 28)
  7. Death contemplation + sleep outside (Aug 29 – Oct 7)
  8. Launch something every day (Oct 8 – Nov 16)
  9. Meditation (Nov 17 – Dec 31 – skipping 5 days for holidays)

My Discomfort Challenge Log

Cold Swimming:

Minimal Internet + Ego Eradicator: