The Fearless Purpose Training Package: A System for the Uncertainty of Your Meaningful Work

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”

By Leo Babauta

Today I’m releasing a training package called Fearless Purpose that is the culmination of the last few years of my life’s work.

The ebook & training system are about fearlessly training in the uncertainty and anxiety that gets in the way of doing our meaningful work.

It’s about cultivating depth in our purpose, mindfully working with the habitual patterns that hold us back, and practicing a courageous willingness to be with whatever fears, patterns, and resistance that arise for us.

It’s about the groundlessness of our uncertain lives, and how we form habitual patterns to deal with that. These patterns include:

In the training package, I show how to shift these patterns using mindfulness training.

This training package is for anyone who:

If that’s you, this training system is for you. This is not an easy path, because it requires you to practice, over and over again.

The Training System Package

This package includes an ebook, but it’s actually a self-paced training system to help shift your patterns. I teach you the training that I’ve been doing with hundreds of other people, and then guide you into setting up your own training program.

In addition, I’ve included instructional videos and meditations to help with that training:

These videos and meditations are a part of the training system laid out in the ebook.

I invite you to start this training. It has helped many people change their lives in powerful ways in my coaching and Fearless Living Academy.

The Invaluable Change This Creates

I’ve been training people in this system for the last few years – first in one-on-one coaching, workshops and retreats, and more recently in Fearless Living Academy where hundreds of people are training and seeing incredible results.

This is a proven system that has helped people overcome patterns that have held them back for years. They’ve gone on to:

How much would it be worth for you to overcome old patterns of putting things off, avoiding, or getting paralyzed by anxiety? The training package, including the ebook, videos and meditations, is just $33. It’s worth a thousand times that, in my view, if you put it into action.

Buy the Fearless Purpose Training Package

p.s. As always, there’s a 100% guarantee – request a full refund and you’ll get it, no questions asked.