By Leo Babauta

One of the best things I do is create a simple eating plan for myself and then just stick to it for a few weeks. It makes eating so easy!

Here’s what I do:

  • I choose a simple recipe to eat for both lunch and dinner. Something with lots of veggies and some protein (I’m vegan, so beans, tofu, lentils, or tempeh usually).
  • Then I buy enough ingredients to last a few days, and prepare my meal. I cook very simply, so it takes about 15 minutes.
  • I put most of it in a container and eat it over the next few days.
  • I eat the same thing for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is usually just a healthy snack like carrots, hummus and fruit. I might also have a protein shake if I’m lifting weights that day.

That’s about it — I’ll eat the same thing for lunch and dinner for a few weeks. Then I’ll choose a new recipe. I cook once every 3 days or so, and otherwise just heat up my food. Life becomes so simple.

Some meals I enjoy:

  • Tempeh, tofu or seitan, stir-fried with veggies like kale and broccoli with onions and garlic
  • Boiled lentils with steamed kale, seasoned with soy sauce, hot sauce, lemon juice
  • A bowl with brown rice, chickpeas, and steamed veggies with some kind of sauce

Simple, easy, healthy meals, and I spend very little on the ingredients. How can you simplify your meals?