Top 10 Productivity Hacks – #1

By Leo Babauta

Quick intro: This is one in a series of Top Productivity Hacks – little tips and tricks that are designed to make you more productive. At the end of the series I’ll post them all together in an overview.

Productivity Hack #1: Do something you’re passionate about.

This might not seem like the normal productivity tip, but give it a thought: if you really want to do something, you’ll work like hell to get it done. You’ll work extra hard, you’ll put in even more hours, and you’re less likely to procrastinate. It’s for work that you don’t really care about that you procrastinate.

For some people, this tip might not seem too practical, especially if you’re in a humdrum job that you don’t really feel like doing. It’s for you that this tip was written: if you hate your job, or are just doing it for the money, I highly recommend that you give this some thought. If you must force yourself to do work every day, you can only do this for so long before burning out. You’ll probably quit eventually anyway, so give it some consideration now.

What do you really want to be doing right now? (Don’t say sleeping!) What do you love doing? What is your dream job, and how can you get it? Give this some thought, not just right now but for the next few days. If you can identify that job, your next step is to plan how to get it.

My suggestions:

Land your dream job, doing something that you’re passionate about, and you may never need to motivate yourself to be productive again.

Top 10 Productivity Hacks