What's Your Groundhog Day Resolution?
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.
New Year’s is always a big time for resolutions, goal setting and habit changes … but why only do it on New Year’s? David Seah (one of my early inspirations and an excellent blogger) has done Groundhog Day Resolutions for a few years now, and I think it’s a wonderful idea.
My suggestion: choose one habit to change for February, just as many people did in The Power of Less New Year’s Challenge. Join the Challenge: it’s free, and you use the accountability of the Challenge forum to create one new habit in 30 days, just 10 minutes a day.
It’s not just for New Year’s anymore. :) You can join the Challenge anytime you like, and start your 30 day challenge whenever you want. In fact, you can do a new challenge every month, starting on any day that works for you.
What’s your new habit for February?
A Note: Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be taking a bit of a break this week, to recharge my batteries and focus on another project. I’ll be back to my regular posts next week, but in the meantime, I have a bunch of great guest posts lined up and will be running a few of them this week. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere! :)
The Simple Dollar: Review - The Power of Less
Neatorama: How to Simplify Your Email in 4 Steps
White Hot Truth: The Power of Less to Get More Done
The Apple of My I: Interview with Leo Babauta
Communicatrix: Book Review: The Power of Less
Jet Set Life: An Interview with Leo Babauta