Please Support the Zen Habits Book

By Leo Babauta

I’m so excited: today I launch my new book, Zen Habits: Mastering the Art of Change.

And I need your help.

The book is written (just finished on Friday!), but I need your support to get it printed. So I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign, and this limited edition of the book will only be sold there.

Update: The campaign is now over. Thank you to all the people who supported the book!

The Book

This book will be an intentionally slender volume of about 150 pages, with a beautiful, minimalist design and high-quality printing. If funded, we’ll be printing it in January.

What is it about?

It’s about struggle, and how to overcome it. If you’ve struggled with changing your habits, as I did for many years, this book will be a practical guide to change.

But it’s about more than habit change: if you’ve struggled with major life changes, or stress, or unhappiness with yourself, or frustration with others … this book will help you cope.

I draw on some of the core Zen ideas, plus everything I’ve learned coaching thousands of people change their lives.

I’m publishing it in several forms:

  1. The web edition – completely online
  2. Digital editions – Kindle, iPad (epub) and PDF formats
  3. Print edition – this is my favorite, because it will be a pleasure to read

In addition, I’m offering some limited bonuses, exclusive to this Kickstarter campaign – from bonus PDF guides to a small-group coaching program to webinars and more.

I’d like to thank you all for your support over the years, and for your help making this book – my dream – a reality.

Update: The campaign is now over. Thank you to all the people who supported the book!