My New Book: Essential Zen Habits

By Leo Babauta

I’m so excited to share my new book with you that I’ve been working on for the last few months!

My new book is called Essential Zen Habits: Mastering the Art of Change, Briefly.

It’s a concise guide to changing habits and dealing with struggles. I made it intentionally brief so that you don’t have to dig for the “tell me what to do” bits. It’s mean to get to the point, quickly, with no stories and not many explanations. The “just do this” book you’ve been wanting, to help you take action.

It’s on Amazon & the iBooks store:

What does this book cover? Here are the key topics:

  1. How to change a habit, using a 6-week process.
  2. Troubleshooting habit changes if you’re having difficulties.
  3. How to change a bad habit (advanced topic).
  4. How to deal with life struggles.
  5. Mindfulness.

This book is very similar to the Zen Habits book I published on Kickstarter last year, but I did three things: 1) I took reader feedback and changed a bunch of things in the book (thank you, readers!); 2) I added some ideas I’ve been practicing with this year; and 3) I changed the format of the book into a very compact “just do this” format based on a post by Derek Sivers.

Here’s a sample of the book (a PDF download).

As with last year’s book, I dive into some deeper topics than just the mechanics of habit change, but they’re the most useful ideas I’ve ever come across in all my years of writing about habit change and mindfulness and happiness.

I hope you find this useful! I’ve written it for you with love.

Oh, and I would love it if you guys would give the book a review when you get a chance. It would help me a lot.

in gratitude and joy,

Leo Babauta

credits: design: Matt Avery; proofreading: Deb Erickson; epub/kindle help: Shawn Mihalik; inspiration: Derek Sivers; slap in the face: Toku; advice: Tynan & Joshua Fields Millburn; eternal support: Eva.


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