The Beginner's Guide to Zen Habits - A Guided Tour
By Leo Babauta
While some of you have been following Zen Habits since its early days (beginning of 2007), many of you are fairly new readers.
To help you through the fairly overwhelming archives, I’ve compiled a beginner’s guide. Kind of a Quick Start guide.
First, a note: Please don’t try to go through this all at once. There are days and days worth of reading here. I’ve just organized that so that you can go to the stuff you want to learn about first.
Take it in small chunks.
Where do you start when you have a thousand posts to read through? You start with the best, or at least the most popular.
So here they are:
The All-Time Most Popular Posts on Zen Habits
30 Things to Do to Keep From Getting Bored Out of Your Skull at Work
Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump
Or you can go through a few compiled guides I’ve hand picked for some of the more popular categories:
Everything You Wanted to Know About Simplifying Your Life, and Way More
The Unsurpassable Productivity List: A Handy Guide to Getting Important Things Done
The Golden Money List: Hundreds of Tips for Turning Your Financial Life Around
By now, you might want to know more about Leo, the guy who writes this blog … well, here’s more than you ever wanted to know:
Uncopyright (I’ve made all the articles on this blog in the public domain)
Experiments in Blogging (results of the Uncopyright and more)